Thank You for Helping N.E.D. Make an Impact!

2015 has been a big year for No Evidence of Disease (N.E.D.), thanks to your generous support of the documentary and its engagement campaign. 

We are proud and encouraged by the number of people who have supported us in our journey to spread awareness of below-the-belt cancers. We wanted to share some of the highlights of the impact you made:

N.E.D. premiered on PBS World Channel on March 4th and is currently featured on American Public Television's airwaves, where it will continue to be broadcast for years to come. A Spanish language version has also aired on Vme TV. 

To date, there have been over 2,200 broadcasts on public television. That is a potential audience of 230 million people!

On World Cancer Day (February 4th), we partnered with Regal Cinemas to screen the film in 45 cinemas across the U.S. and Canada. Each screening was accompanied by a discussion and Q&A with advocates and health professionals. In addition to the World Cancer Day release, N.E.D. has screened in over 150 communities and in theaters across the world, often targeting underserved populations that do not have access to this vital information. 

With your support, we produced an informative multimedia companion: What Every Woman Should Know, a 16-minute video on the signs and symptoms of all major GYN cancers. The video is available online free-of-charge and is also divided into separate modules on each disease state. It is also available in English, Spanish and Arabic. To accompany this video, we created a free guide that lists questions every woman should ask on her annual visit to the gynecologist. The guide is available in print and online. 

The film is now available On Demand and digital download. The rhythmically charged soundtrack is available here. Proceeds go towards our continuing efforts to raise awareness. 

Our work on N.E.D. led to our partnership with the Globe-athon to End Women's Cancers, the world's first international grassroots effort to unify women's cancer awareness efforts by staging walks, parades, and other events across the globe. With over 80 participating countries worldwide, N.E.D. has truly become the soundtrack of the movement!

Together, we've made a crack in the wall of silence that surrounds below-the-belt cancers. With your help, we will be able to go even further. 

Here's to another year of fighting to #EndWomensCancers!