Globe-athon in the Caribbean

As many of you know, our work on No Evidence of Disease and What Every Woman Should Know has led to other opportunities to help break the wall of silence surrounding below-the-belt cancers.  We are particularly proud of our work with the Globe-athon to End Women’s Cancers, where we have been part of the core team since the beginning and continue to spearhead their media production, social media and outreach. 

Now in its third year, Globe-athon is dedicated to unifying communities around the world to raise awareness of GYN cancers.  This year, almost 80 countries participated by hosting walks, parades, health screenings or lectures. We are so inspired by everyone’s hard work and dedication to bringing awareness to below-the-belt cancers. Click here to watch video highlights from Globe-athon 2015. 

On Labor Day, the Globe-athon participated in the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) Parade – a huge event that regularly brings 2 to 3 million people to Brooklyn every year.  Following Globe-athon’s custom float, over a thousand dancers, survivors, doctors and medical students marched down Brooklyn’s Eastern Parkway, led by the Queen of Soca, Alison Hinds. 

We just wanted to take a moment to share our video of this exciting event.  Enjoy!

We are already helping to plan a bigger and better Globe-athon 2016 and can't wait to see what next year has in store to #EndWomensCancers!